
Identify and Retain Your Best Customers
Ambler, PA
United States
Fuel /
Consumer Services


Co-Founder, Chief Strategy Officer
"We've seen a transformation in our lead-generation process, thanks to Adaptiv's cutting-edge platforms. Our sales team is now consistently meeting with decision-makers from some of the biggest names in the industry, driving unprecedented growth for our business." - Andy O'Dell


Clutch is a customer marketing platform for B2C brands. Today, marketers struggle because they have customer data stored in many different places. This makes it difficult to know how and when to reach their customers and with what message.

Clutch offers a way to centralize this information, make sense of it, and act on it with personalized messages that lead to more purchases and increased brand loyalty.

The Clutch platform offers a variety of solutions including data management, marketing automation, loyalty, stored value, and CRM as well as mobile, email, and direct mail campaign capabilities.


Adaptiv highlights a pivotal customer success story, demonstrating the power of its INSIGHT Platform combined with strategic marketing collaboration, resulting in a dramatic increase in lead generation and sales opportunities for Clutch.


Clutch, serving six vertical markets including Retail, Hospitality, Grocery, Fuel/Convenience Stores, Consumer Packaged Goods, and Consumer Services, needed a way to identify and engage their Total Addressable Market (TAM) more effectively.


Clutch faced the common industry challenge of how to efficiently map out their TAM, target the right buyers, and deliver personalized marketing at scale to drive engagement and growth.

The challenge Clutch faced was multifaceted. They needed to hone in on high-value prospects within their TAM, but their existing methods were falling short. They lacked the advanced analytics and targeted outreach capabilities that could yield deeper engagement with their prospects. Their marketing efforts were not sufficiently personalized or scalable, leading to low conversion rates and an inability to effectively measure campaign impact across diverse market segments.


Adaptiv responded to Clutch’s challenges by implementing its advanced INSIGHT Platform, a comprehensive tool that leverages data insights and predictive analytics to pinpoint high-value targets within a TAM. The platform integrates seamlessly into existing marketing systems, enabling Clutch to automate personalized outreach campaigns that resonate with each market segment.

By utilizing machine learning algorithms, the INSIGHT Platform analyzed Clutch’s TAM, identifying and prioritizing prospects who were most likely to convert. The collaborative effort with the Adaptiv marketing team ensured that Clutch's messaging was tailored and delivered effectively across varying channels, which significantly improved user engagement and conversion rates.

Furthermore, Adaptiv's solution offered real-time analytics that presented Clutch with clear visibility into campaign performance, allowing for rapid adjustments and optimization to ensure continued success. This strategy built a momentum of growth, attracting high-value prospects while reinforcing Clutch's position as a market leader.

INSIGHT Platform Utilization

  • Identified 461k+ target companies using advanced AI/ML capabilities
  • Pinpointed senior-level decision-makers and their contact information
  • VISUALLY REPRESENTED Clutch’s TAM, enabling precise targeting

Generative AI Platform Implementation

  • Collaborated with Clutch’s marketing team to build targeted email campaigns and landing pages that resonate with each of the identified buyer personas
  • Leveraged audience segmentation and buyer personas for personalized messaging
  • Conducted A/B testing to optimize conversion rates and email deliverability

INBOX Email Campaign Launch

The INBOX campaign rollout was a meticulous process that began with a pilot phase, focusing on a select group of high-potential prospects to refine messaging and delivery tactics.

Through the insights garnered from initial engagements, Clutch developed a more profound understanding of their audience's primary motivators and pain points. This allowed for a more targeted expansion phase, wherein the campaign was broadened to the wider segments identified by the INSIGHT Platform.

In the subsequent phases, Clutch witnessed a marked improvement in key performance indicators. There was a notable upsurge in open rates, click-through rates, and, critically, in the conversion rates that resulted in qualified leads. Adhering to a data-driven approach, Clutch consistently iterated on its strategies in real-time, thereby cementing its adaptive marketing framework as a cornerstone of its growth engine.

  • Executed high-volume outbound email campaigns post-optimization
  • Ensured brand consistency and messaging alignment with market needs

Performance Analysis and Refinement

  • Implemented advanced analytics to track campaign performance metrics
  • Utilized machine learning algorithms for predictive analytics and trend identification
  • Adjusted campaign parameters dynamically in response to analytics insights

Throughout the campaign, Clutch emphasized the importance of agility in its approach. By continuously analyzing the performance data, the team could pivot quickly, phasing out underperforming content and doubling down on effective strategies. This iterative process ensured that the campaigns remained aligned with the evolving expectations and behaviors of their target market, fostering a sustainable growth trajectory for Clutch's product outreach efforts.


The strategic partnership between Adaptiv and Clutch led to:

  • Significant market velocity acceleration
  • Enhanced brand awareness across prominent consumer and retail brands
  • High customer engagement through targeted, data-driven campaigns
  • Filled sales calendars with quality leads and confirmed opportunities
  • Significant increase in targeted visitors to Clutch's website and social media pages by 763%
  • Almost a 9x increase in scheduled sales calls and product demos with decision makers
  • Acheived an impressive 986% increase of sales opportunities across all stages of their sales pipeline


Adaptiv's technology married with Clutch's market knowledge paved the way for a marketing success story. By deploying deep data insights and AI-driven personalization, Clutch's marketing strategy evolved from intuition-based to intelligence-led, culminating in captured market opportunities and a strengthened presence in their respective industries.

In conclusion, the benefits of AI-driven marketing, as demonstrated by the Clutch campaign, are multifaceted and profound. AI allows for personalization at scale, ensuring that potential customers receive tailored content that resonates with their unique needs and preferences. It streamlines decision-making through predictive analytics, allowing marketers to anticipate market trends and customer behaviors with impressive accuracy.

Need similar results for your business? Contact Adaptiv today to discover how our INSIGHT and Generativ AI Platforms can redefine your marketing strategy. Let us help you unlock your full potential and stay ahead of the competition.


We are a full service B2B digital marketing agency with over a decade of experience. We have worked with clients as small as one individual to large corporations with thousands of employees. Let us show you what we can do for you!



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